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coffee space

Become a co-owner of a coffee space, participate in the development of coffee culture and get a share in the space's income
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Three reasons
do it.

Investment in the project
Passive income. Increase in asset value
Growth strategy management
Participation in voting. DAO.
Market participation
Professional environment. Private business club. Co-owner status of the premises.

What is
coffee space.

It is a place where people buy and sell coffee, communicate, participate, collect, talk, and taste. It is a place where new business models are launched and new markets are opened. It is a place where coffee culture is created and new coffee businesses grow. The space provides resources and opportunities for this.

Together we will make the world of coffee a better place!
Only for coffee business owners.

Do you know the coffee business from the inside?

Investments in multiples of 1K USDT.

Legalization of investments through DAO LLC registered in Wyoming, USA.

Easy entry.

Sign SAFT and buy control tokens.

The easy way out.

Sell your management tokens and order re-registration to a new owner.

Invest in the web3 coffee space.

profitable investments

How it works?

Prostir. Investments. Tokens.

Who owns the space

Простір кави має головний смарт контракт.

Its treasury receives all payments from space participants for the resources and services used in the space according to the tariffs.

Payments are accepted in ekava tokens.

The main smart contract of the space is implemented as a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization). This DAO has issued gkava control tokens and all participants of the space who have these tokens on their wallets are co-owners of the coffee space.

How the space is managed

All decisions about the development of the coffee space and the use of the assets collected in the treasury are made through a vote of the members of the DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization).

The strength of the vote is proportional to the number of gkava tokens in the participant's wallet. Decisions on the development of the space made by the co-owners are implemented by the project team.

Expenditures from the treasury are made by a smart contract based on the results of the vote.

Operational tokens of ekava

Для обслуговування діяльності простору використовується операційний токен ekava.

These tokens are used to make payments and write-offs for the space's resources and services. These tokens are used to accumulate the income of the space.

The ekava tokens are listed on DEX Ref Finance. Payments and withdrawals are made at the ekava - USDT exchange rate at the time of the transaction.

Gkava control tokens

Токен gkava використовується у керуючому DAO.

Holders of gkava tokens are the owners of the coffee space, participate in the decision-making process regarding expenditures from the treasury of the main DAO and determine the development strategy of the space.

When the space was launched, gkava was issued in 1 M tokens. The estimated value of a token is determined based on the current capitalization of the space. The market value of a token is determined through the supply and demand of tokens on the market.

The initial public offering is based on SAFT. Gkava tokens are not available on DEX and are distributed through p2p transactions.

Who owns the space

The coffee space has a major smart contract.

Its treasury receives all payments from space participants for the resources and services used in the space according to the tariffs.

Payments are accepted in ekava tokens.

The main smart contract of the space is implemented as a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization). This DAO has issued gkava control tokens and all participants of the space who have these tokens on their wallets are co-owners of the coffee space.

How the space is managed

All decisions about the development of the coffee space and the use of the assets collected in the treasury are made through a vote of the members of the DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization).

The strength of the vote is proportional to the number of gkava tokens in the participant's wallet. Decisions on the development of the space made by the co-owners are implemented by the project team.

Expenditures from the treasury are made by a smart contract based on the results of the vote.

Operational tokens of ekava

These tokens are used to make payments and write-offs for the space's resources and services. These tokens are used to accumulate the income of the space.

The ekava tokens are listed on DEX Ref Finance. Payments and withdrawals are made at the ekava - USDT exchange rate at the time of the transaction.

Gkava control tokens

The gkava token is used in the DAO governor.

Holders of gkava tokens are the owners of the coffee space, participate in the decision-making process regarding expenditures from the treasury of the main DAO and determine the development strategy of the space.

When the space was launched, gkava was issued in 1 M tokens. The estimated value of a token is determined based on the current capitalization of the space. The market value of a token is determined through the supply and demand of tokens on the market.

The initial public offering is based on SAFT. Gkava tokens are not available on DEX and are distributed through p2p transactions.


Прямий продаж. Групові покупки. Нові ринки. Ко-маркети. Коворкінг, Колівінг, Корпорейт. Нейбормаркети. Захист продукції. NFT сертифікати автентичності. Аналітика продажу. Аналітика споживання. Персоналізований маркетинг. Колекція смаків. Смакові переваги. Ком'юніті маркетинг. Збираємо ком'юніті бренду. Продаж через траст.


Маркетинг звички. Маркетинг смаку. Маркетинг вражень. Сервіси для клієнтів. Онлайн продажу напоїв у кав'ярні. Зайшов у ліфт – замовляй каву. Завів машину – замовляй каву. Замовлення "Мені як завжди". Точки обслуговування. Ком'юніті постійних клієнтів. Нехай вони говорять і думають: "Це моя кав'ярня!"


Амбасадор гарної кави. Розвивай культуру кави. Ком'юніті за інтересами. Монетизація контенту. Продаж через довіру. Агентський контракт із брендами. Свій бутік кави у блозі. Каталог та канал продажів. Запрошуй каву-бренди у партнер ком'юніті. Зроби кофе-бренд спонсором комьюніті.

Школа бариста

Приготувати каву - це професія. Навчання баріста. Підготовка до змагань. Профі сертифікації. Реєстрація у реєстрі фахівців ринку. Агент ринку праці.

Кава – івенти

Каппінги. Фестивалі. Змагання. Анонс події. Запрошення на участь.  Реєстрація учасників. Продаж квитків. Проведення заходу. Контент канал події. NFT значок учасника. Ком’юніті учасників.

Ринок праці

Публікування вакансій. Пошук ринку кандидатів. Запрошення на діалог. Торг. Прийом на роботу. Контрактування. Комісія біржі. Гарантії. Премія кандидата

How much does space cost.

From zero to 6 million USD in three years. Let's do it together.

In a 3-year period, the capitalization in the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) valuation may amount to USD X million.

The key indicators for achieving such capitalization are the average coffee consumption by space participants - 12 grams per day, the number of space participants at the end of the 3rd year X, the number of roasters that have opened a representative office in the space - X, the number of registered coffee shops of the 2nd and 3rd waves - X.

Detailed calculation of capitalization is available upon request.

Today 1 gkava for 1 USDT, in 3 years 1 gkava for 6 USDT.

Let's do it together

Investment offer. Packages. Terms of participation
LOI. White List. SAFT.

How to join? Four simple steps
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Come by White List
Get gkava

How to invest
in coffee space?

The gkava token is used in the governing DAO.

Holders of gkava tokens are the owners of the coffee space, participate in decision-making on expenditures from the treasury of the main DAO and determine the development strategy of the space.

At the launch of the space, gkava was issued in 1 M tokens. The estimated value of a token is determined based on the current capitalization of the space.

The market value of the token is determined through the supply and demand of tokens in the market. Gkava tokens are not available on DEX and are distributed through p2p transactions.

Legal model.

Legalize your investments. Pay taxes at the place of registration.

A Series LLC (Limited Liability Company) is registered in the state of Wyoming, USA, with the registration address 159 N. Wolcott St. Suite 133, Casper, Wyoming 82601.

This company raises capital by selling gkava management tokens. DAO LLC invests in the development of the space in order to generate income and increase capitalization.

An investor who has bought management tokens becomes a co-owner of the LLC and participates in the management of the company. The income received by the investor from the LLC's activities or the sale of its share is subject to taxation depending on the investor's jurisdiction.

Before becoming a member of DAO LLC, the investor must confirm that he/she is not a citizen/resident of any country (including the United States), state or territory where it is prohibited to purchase, hold or own cryptocurrency or tokens.

The gkava tokens are not intended to be marketed or sold in any jurisdiction where they may not by law be sold or offered for sale.

investments go?

All investments are invested in the development of the coffee space. Development of new opportunities. Marketing. Content policy. Community development. Capitalization growth. All decisions on the development of space and expenses are made by voting of partners, members of DAO LLC.

A detailed business plan is available upon request.

Join us. Take part in creating the digital world of coffee!
Come early, get more!

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